Extracellular Vesicle (EV) Quantification and Analysis with PICO>

Detect, count, and analyse EVs with PICO
App note - EV quantificationExtracellular vesicle (EV) research has emerged as a rapidly growing field in life sciences, offering significant insights into cell-to-cell communication, disease mechanisms, and potential therapeutic applications. EVs play critical roles in various biological processes such as immune modulation, tumor progression, and tissue repair. Using absolute quantification PICO enables the precise counting of EVs in the biological sample without the need of an external standard. Additionally, with PICO you can directly analyse and quantify of both EV membrane proteins and EV cargo proteins.
EV Quantification Strategy #1>
The PICO technology always requires the amplification of two different PICOglue Labels on antibodies. When detecting a single EV surface marker on intact EVs you can use a single antibody (e.g. anti-CD63 antibody). During the antibody labeling the antibody stock is split into two, one half is labeled with e.g. PICOglue BL Label and the other with PICOglue P8 Label. When using the the two different labeled antibody stock in equal saturated concentration in the PICO assay you can determine the precise concentration of intact CD63+ EVs.
EV Quantification Strategy #2>
By using antibodies against two different EV surface markers (e.g. CD63 and CD9) you can directly count the number of intact EVs using PICO. Simillar to using a single EV surface marker, the two labeled antibodies are used in equal saturated concentration for the precise determination of EV count in biological samples
Quantification of EVs with PICO - Application Note>

In this application note we detected and quantified extracellular vesicles (EVs) from serum or cell supernatant using PICO technology. The EVs were measured with two different detection strategies: 1) using a CD63 antibody, halved and labeled with two different PICOglue Labels, we quantified CD63+ EVs, while 2) using CD9 and CD63 antibodies, we quantified CD9/CD63+ EVs.
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